Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Fred & Frank Hook Up

Why does bad news follow good news so closely?

Saturday's ADN reported that "the Alaska Supreme Court on Friday ruled it is unconstitutional to deny benefits to the same-sex partners of public employees, a major victory for gay rights advocates in one of the first states to pass a constitutional ban on homosexual marriage."

One of the headlines on the front page of today's ADN tells us that "Resistance to decision on gay benefits is growing."

The story that follows the headline tells us that State Senator Fred Dyson (R-Eagle River) and Governor Frank Murkowski (R) are seriously considering efforts to amend the constitution to prohibit anything that even smells like honoring the commitments that GLBT Alaskans make to each other.

I did like the Democrats' response, however. Senate Minority Leader Johnny Ellis (D-Anchorage) released a one-sentence statement through the Democrats' press office that said, "We'll be happy to listen to Sen. Dyson explain why health benefits for a handful of Alaskans creates a constitutional crisis."

I'm just waiting for a news story about a secret Walmart memo outlining a covert plan to hire predominantly single people without dependents, since they are cheaper, more dependable employees.

No need to subsidize benefits for family members. No sick children forcing the employer to comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Imagine the cost savings!

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